Coinneach's Fons et Origo…

Coinneach's Collected Creations, Compositions and Cogitations…

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A total of five published items on offer, with more in the pipeline…
Coinneach was born at an early age, and he will tell you that his mother was there at the time. A product of the second half of the twentieth century, he hated writing when compelled for scholastic purposes, dreading those sessions which the teacher called ‘Composition’.
Fortunately, he did open himself to the muse later and has managed to write convincingly on a range of topics. He is a self confessed ‘genre jumper’, and hasn’t become fixed in his direction.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting better results."

− Albert Einstein

"Rien derrière et tout devant, comme toujours sur la route."

− Jack Kerouac

"I polished up the handle of the big front door."

− W.S. Gilbert

"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere."

− Carl Sagan

"Truly, the leopard can change his shorts."

− Sir Terry Pratchett

"How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else."

− R. Buckminster Fuller

"I think I can safely say that no one understands Quantum Mechanics."

− Richard Feynman

"It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value."

− Stephen Hawking

"Where id was, there ego shall be."

− Sigmund Freud

"Eppur si Muove (And yet it moves)."

− Galileo Galilei

"Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel."

− Che Guevara

"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."

− Abraham Lincoln

"I praise loudly. I blame softly."

− Catherine the Great

"The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean."

− Robert Louis Stevenson

"Every man's memory is his private literature."

− Aldous Huxley

"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal."

− Oscar Wilde

"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example."

− Mark Twain

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."

− Albert Einstein

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."

− Isaac Asimov

"Write in recollection and amazement for yourself.."

− Jack Kerouac

"Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all."

− Charles Babbage

"Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning."

− Erwin Rommel

"You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in."

− Arlo Guthrie

"All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie."

− Bob Dylan

"One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple."

− Jack Kerouac